My Year In Review

My Year In Review


4 min read

Well 2020 generally has been fun in a way and also not fun in another way, January I continued learning html and css that I started last year December (2019) down through till march when the lockdown started and to be honest I didn't actually get a grasp of it, so I dropped it ending February started taking animation lessons where I used software's like Synfig Studio and Blender learning and practicing as much as I could understand from March till April , next I decided to follow another route because I was loosing interest in making animations and at the same time gaining interest in developing android mobile applications using java and android studio as a tool. In May in the process of wanting to learn android development I decided to take a head start by learning Java since it was a requirement for developing native android apps while in the process of still learning Java during the pandemic and lockdown without ever knowing when it would end I decided to start searching for a good course to learn full android development on udemy and for the very first time I stumbled upon the word Flutter on udemy as it was also listed on the search results for android app development, then I decided to watch a review on it and what it can be used for, after watching the review and knowing what it can be used for my interest in app development increased and I liked it, one of the things that caught my attention about this toolkit was its ability to develop natively compiled apps for mobile (ios and android), web and desktop from one codebase amazing right?, So I left Java June16th since it was only a native language and took on Dart which was a cross platform language.

June 17th I purchased Angela's course on flutter and started taking the course on the 19th, in the process of taking the course multiple apps were developed which includes:







7.Bmi Calculator


9.Bitcoin ticker

10.Flash chat


ending of June I took a little break from learning flutter due to online first semester exams and continued on July then took another break beginning of August due to online second semester exams and continued learning again mid August, According to my own my pace and comprehension I finally finished the course on Dec 20th, then went into developing personal projects like food recipe's and all news of which one is still in the production and the other is a finished project. While learning Flutter I got the opportunity to join a wonderful community both on WhatsApp and twitter where problems, ideas and solutions are exchanged and also got to have new friends with whom are in this journey with me. In all, this is the year when I tried out different things and get to find out what works out for me and learnt a lot along the process.

Thanks for reading.